American Surf Park Myrtle Beach
View hypothetical investment returns over the 10 year targeted holding period and learn more about investment potential in American Surf Parks.
Hypothetical #1
$1,000,000 Investment
Investor ID: A1234
Invested Amount: $1,000,000
Ownership %: 2.857%
Preferred Return: 8%
Equity Multiple: 3.38
Total Preferred Return: $518,453
Total Distribution: $3,375,054
Total Contributions: $1,000,000
Total Profit: $2,375,054
IRR: 20%
Hypothetical #2
$100,000 Investment
Investor ID: A1234
Invested Amount: $100,000
Ownership %: 0.286%
Preferred Return: 8%
Equity Multiple: 3.38
Total Preferred Return: $51,845
Total Distribution: $337,505
Total Contributions: $100,000
Total Profit: $237,505
IRR: 20%
Hypothetical #3
$25,000 Investment
Investor ID: A1234
Invested Amount: $25,000
Ownership %: 0.071%
Preferred Return: 8%
Equity Multiple: 3.38
Total Preferred Return: $12,961
Total Distribution: $84,376
Total Contributions: $25,000
Total Profit: $59,376
IRR: 20%
* The above projections are not guaranteed.